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Our exciting year starts today

Our exciting year starts today

Our exciting year starts today and we will be meeting together for our first day. The tamariki will be called for their classroom with their teachers Whaea Donna or Tammy Winter. A brief “mihi whakatau” or a brief Māori greeting with karakia for returning and new students.
Each child will be distributed with a “Everything Book” which will be the first and basic book of the year. A classroom treaty with the values will be set up with the introduction of our school’s new behaviour plan. Routines and expectations will be set up. Class newsletters to be distributed for homework, information and introductions to 2025.
Due to planned closure of Tokoroa swimming pools, we will plan a trip to the pools as a school outing.
It's expected that our school will be participating and lesson minded about our sports and physical fitness programmes.
Inquiries are underway for an overnight stay this year for senior students and a trip for the juniors for end of year experiences during 11 - 14 November (to be confirmed)

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