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Starting school or changing schools are important events for all children and we aim to make it a favourable experience for all involved.

If you are considering sending your child to Cargill School, you are most welcome to come and look around the school and discuss your needs with the principal and staff.

New Entrants are encouraged to visit their new classroom for several weeks prior to turning 5. This can be arranged directly with the school or through the kindergarten or early childhood centre your child attends. You can pre-enrol and let us know prior to your child starting school. 

Our new entrant class makes reciprocal visits to the other child centres located near to us which allows for children to catch up with their old friends and teachers.

All children are issued with free stationery on enrolment to make their transition to our school as easy as possible. We provide free breakfast in schools, lunches, fruit in schools, Kids can snacks, fruit pottles, yoghurt and clothing (jackets and shoes). 


You can also make inquiries about our Before and After School Care programme that our school’s 5 year to 12 year students can enrol into for a small hourly fee. For further information click here.  

Enrolment packs are available from the school office and can also be downloaded as PDF file (see button on the left).

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